
Stay up-to-date on our work to protect the most marginalised in society.

One year after the earthquake in Syria: How did Dorcas support those in need

One year ago, on the 6th of February, earthquakes and strong aftershocks caused great devastation in Syria and Turkey. Syria, already in crisis due to the ongoing conflict, was again hit by a disaster that…

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Update on the situation in Yemen

Several targets in Yemen have been bombed in recent weeks in response to Houthi attacks in and around the Red Sea. At this time, Dorcas Yemen staff, our partners’ staff and our project participants are…

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Latifa: ‘I stand up for girls’ right to education’ 

Latifa is a project participant of Dorcas Tanzania.   Latifa: ‘In our society, girls are isolated during their menstrual period. Many girls do not even have access to sanitary pads and instead have to use pieces…

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Lilian: ‘I stand up for the rights of women and girls’

Lilian is the Country Director of Dorcas Tanzania.   ‘15.3% of all girls from Tanzania do not attend school during menstruation, according to a survey done by UNICEF in 2021. The reasons for this include pain…

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Cor: ‘I stand up for people affected by the consequences of climate change’  

Cor is a former Programme Manager and Country Director at Dorcas. ‘South Sudan is not only plagued by conflicts. It is also prone to flooding due to its relatively low elevation. The country lacks the infrastructure…

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Gilberte: ‘I stand up for the right to safety’

Gilberte (63) participates in a project of Dorcas Lebanon. Gilberte: ‘I stand up for safety because the situation in Lebanon is very insecure. I currently live alone and have no contact with my family due…

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Agnes: ‘We stand up for human rights’

Agnes is the Chief Executive Officer of Dorcas.   Agnes: ‘Human rights and inclusion are woven into the fabric of what Dorcas is and does. In practice, this means we strive for a society in which…

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Sargon: ‘I stand up for the rights of internally displaced persons in Iraq’ 

Sargon is a Programme Manager at Dorcas Iraq.   Sargon: ‘I am deeply committed to advocating for the safety and protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Iraq, as well as ensuring that their fundamental…

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Eva: ‘I stand up for food security in crisis areas’ 

Eva works as a Humanitarian Assistance Expert at Dorcas.   ‘The conflict in Yemen often seems like a never-ending story: people have been trapped in a hopeless situation since 2014. A situation that also makes it…

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Joost: ‘I stand up for youth employment’

Joost is Inclusive Entrepreneurship Expert at Dorcas. Joost: ‘Young people live in a rapidly changing world. Social media has opened their eyes to a dazzling array of opportunities. But for most youth in poorer countries,…

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Joyce: ‘I stand up for empowerment and protection’ 

Joyce and her family are involved with Dorcas Kenya through their daughter, who is part of the sponsorship programme.  Joyce: ‘I stand up for empowerment and protection because I want to claim my rights and…

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Lara: ‘I stand up for women’s empowerment’ 

Lara and her family are project participants of Dorcas Lebanon.   Lara: ‘I stand up for women’s empowerment and rights because I want women to be strong enough to reclaim their rights and for them to…

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Addisu*: ‘I stand up for the rights of older people’

Addisu is a Granny Association Chairman in Ethiopia at the Samaritan Vision Charity Organisation. This is a partner of Dorcas Ethiopia.   ‘I stand up for older people in my country because they are often marginalised…

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Explainer: what is International Humanitarian Law?

International Humanitarian Law provides vital guidance and boundaries during war and conflict. But what exactly does this body of law entail and does Dorcas need to adhere to it? We explore the importance of international…

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Developments in the Middle East and the work of Dorcas

Recently, the protracted conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories has escalated. The situation currently remains uncertain.  We do not work in the affected areas. However, the conflict is exerting an influence on the stability…

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