Dorcas Romania combats human trafficking by supporting victims and reducing vulnerabilities

Human trafficking is one of the most pressing social issues in Romania, one of the top five EU countries in terms of victims. Dorcas Romania is tackling this pressing issue through a comprehensive project focusing on key areas: awareness raising and prevention, building and strengthening partnerships with stakeholders, handling direct cases and reducing the vulnerability of young people at risk.

Trafficking in persons in Romania 

Romania’s geographical location and socio-economic challenges make it a prime location for human trafficking. The main destinations for Romanian victims of trafficking include Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. Exploitation takes place in various sectors, including prostitution, agriculture, construction and domestic work. Children make up more than a third of identified trafficked persons in Romania. The recruitment of children for trafficking has increased through the internet and social media.

Traffickers in Romania are largely Romanian nationals operating as part of organised crime groups. Their exploitation of Romanian women and children is mainly in the form of sex trafficking within Romania and to other European countries. Traffickers often lure victims with the promise of a better life abroad by using the ‘lover boy’ strategy, in which they feign romantic interest.

Several factors contribute to the extent of human trafficking in Romania:

  • Low digital literacy: Many Romanians lack the skills to verify online information, making them easy targets for human traffickers. 
  • Social media: Young people, often unsupervised online, are vulnerable to manipulation and recruitment by traffickers. 
  • Lack of educational programmes: Rural areas in particular suffer from a lack of human trafficking prevention programmes in schools. 
  • High NEET rates: Young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) are at increased risk of poverty and social exclusion, making them prime targets for traffickers.

Dorcas Romania’s anti-trafficking programme 

Working in the at-risk regions of Vaslui, Botoșani, and Bihor, Dorcas Romania has developed a multi-faceted programme with a focus on: 

  • Raising awareness: Educational initiatives in schools aim to increase digital literacy and awareness of the risks of online trafficking. Dorcas Romania uses engaging materials such as films and interactive sessions, and works with local stakeholders to spread anti-trafficking messages.
  • Strengthening networks: Expanding collaborations with local, regional, and national stakeholders to increase the effectiveness of anti-trafficking efforts. 
  • Support for victims: Providing tailored medical, psychological, social and material support to actual and potential victims. Through interviews and assessments, Dorcas Romania identifies the specific needs of victims and provides comprehensive support. Victims are also supported to find employment and housing, which are crucial steps towards reintegration into society.
  • Education and employment: Creating opportunities for vulnerable young people to gain education and employment, thereby reducing their risk of falling prey to traffickers. Dorcas Romania offers programmes that encourage entrepreneurship and income generation, helping participants to build stable and independent lives. 

Elena’s* journey 

Elena’s story illustrates the impact of Dorcas Romania’s efforts. Growing up in a financially unstable and abusive household, Elena’s life was full of challenges. When she was 18, her parents’ separation led her to Oradea, where she was forced into prostitution. Despite her attempts to escape, financial pressure and abusive relationships trapped her in a cycle of exploitation.

Elena’s turning point came when she reached out to her mother for help and eventually connected with Dorcas Romania through the intervention of a counsellor named Cristina. This connection provided Elena with the emotional and practical support she needed to rebuild her life. 

With the support of the project, Elena secured a job and received support for her recovery. Reflecting on her journey, Elena says, ‘After 28 years, I can finally say that my life has meaning now. I am truly happy and content, surrounded by the love and prayers of my family and co-workers.’ 

For those in need 

Dorcas Romania’s anti-trafficking project is an example of a holistic and multi-faceted approach to a deeply entrenched problem. By addressing the root causes of vulnerability and providing comprehensive support to victims, the project not only rescues individuals but also empowers communities. As Elena’s story shows, with the right support and opportunities, the road to recovery is possible.

The scale of the challenges posed by human trafficking in Romania is considerable and requires all stakeholders and partners to play their part. Together with local, regional and national stakeholders, Dorcas Romania is committed to this issue and will continue to fight human trafficking to support those in need.

*Not her real name. At the participants request, we have used a pseudonym for this contribution. 

29 July 2024

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