Dorcas responds to severe flooding in Yemen 

Dorcas Yemen has launched a rapid response initiative following devastating floods that have severely impacted several regions, including Alshimayatain district in Taiz Governorate, where Dorcas Yemen operates. The floods, which began on 28 July due to heavy rains and seasonal weather patterns, also triggered landslides, further worsening Yemen’s already dire humanitarian situation and leading to widespread destruction.

At least seven governorates across the north and south of the country have been affected, covering an estimated area of 15,000 square kilometres. The floods have destroyed crops and other agricultural assets, leaving over 10,000 people facing severe food insecurity.

In response to these urgent needs, Dorcas Yemen has allocated €100,000 to provide immediate assistance to the affected communities. The response will focus on three key areas:

  • Emergency shelter and non-food items (NFIs): Dorcas will distribute emergency shelter kits and essential NFIs to 312 households, providing immediate support to those who have lost their homes and belongings.
  • Flood resilience infrastructure: Using a cash-for-work approach, Dorcas will engage local communities in the construction of gabions, protective walls, and water channels to mitigate the impact of future floods. This initiative aims to strengthen the resilience of affected areas and protect critical infrastructure.
  • WASH services and hygiene promotion: Dorcas will distribute WASH kits to 312 households and organise hygiene promotion sessions, reaching a total of 1,500 people to help prevent the outbreak of waterborne diseases that often follow such disasters.

Dorcas Yemen is working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in Taiz Governorate, as well as with local community leaders and humanitarian clusters, to ensure that the response is tailored to the needs of the affected population. This collaborative approach will maximise the impact of the assistance efforts and ensure accountability to the communities we serve. Together, we are committed to bringing hope and support to those in need during these challenging times.

02 September 2024

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