
Stay up-to-date on our work to protect the most marginalised in society.

Dorcas in Yemen

It’s a crisis of staggering proportions: A child dies every 10 minutes. 14 million people are at risk of starving to death. And 22 million in peril need assistance and protection as a devastating war…

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Announcement about Nico Hoogenraad

Herewith we like to inform you that our CFO, Mr. Nico Hoogenraad, will leave Dorcas as per April 1st , 2019. As from that date he will take up his new role as Associate Pastor…

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Cooking for a stronger planet

Woodfuel is the most common form of energy used for cooking and heating households in Tanzania. In poor, rural communities, women rely heavily on traditional stoves – associated with a host of diseases. And while…

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Dorcas signs manifest for toilets

Minister Kaag stated in the Policy Notice ‘Investing in Perspective’ that 50 million more people must have access to sanitary facilities by 2030 (SGD6), with an interim target of providing 12 million extra people with…

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New project succesfully started in Tanzania

In September, Dorcas launched the project Menstrual Hygiene Management for Her. The project is a collaboration with the Handeni District in Tanzania and will be carried out in twenty five villages in the region. It…

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DRA: working for increased impact

The new DRA Impact Report provides a summary of our activities during 2017 – including details of joint humanitarian responses in 11 countries. The Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) was established in 2015 to improve the…

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CASH grants: help where it is most needed

70% of the population of Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions live below the poverty line. The protracted conflict has caused prices to rise and income to go down due to lower salaries, increased unemployment and…

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High Hopes for New Youth Development Policy

On May 18th, Minister Kaag presented a new policy note called ‘Investing in Perspective’. PerspActive is pleased that the Minister wants to create perspective for youth and women, thereby addressing some of the root causes…

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Top marks for DRA aid effort

The new policy memorandum issued by the Department for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation – headed by Minister Sigrid Kaag – emphasises the importance of the Dutch national aid effort. The policy highlights the significant…

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Dorcas Annual Report 2017 online

Today, Dorcas presents the Annual Report 2017. It concerns an English report that tells about the impact of our work. We supported more than 600,000 people in 18 countries in Eastern Europe, Africa and the…

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Siaya Water and Sanitation Project in Kenya

Following the successful completion of the Inception phase of the ‘Siaya Water and Sanitation Project’ and consequent approval by the Dutch government (RVO), Dorcas is ready to start the implementation. We will implement this project…

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Our Work With Yazidis in Iraq

Dorcas is one of a few organisations that works in Sinjar, in northeast Iraq. The area made headlines for the massacre in 2014. Many Yazidi people were enslaved and displaced. Thousands of people have now…

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14 million people face hunger in the Horn of Africa

In the Horn of Africa millions of people face hunger because of the continuing drought and ongoing local conflicts. 7.8 million people in Ethiopia and 6.2 million people in Somalia are food insecure. Without intervention,…

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Succesful test of blockchain

First successful test of blockchain for international distribution of aid funding The first in a series of tests looking to bring greater efficiency and transparency into humanitarian funding has taken place with positive results. The…

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Dutch aid organisations join forces in Iraq

For the fourth time in four years, seven Dutch aid organisations, united in the Dutch Relief Alliance, join forces to provide aid to displaced families in Iraq and those returning. The organisations have been working…

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