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Nadia Murad continues to fight for justice for the Yazidis

Internationally, she became the face of the genocide of the Yazidis by the Islamic State (IS) – of the sexual violence and atrocities committed against the women and girls in her community. As a human…

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Syrian Dorcas volunteer in UN exhibition

Celebrated on 19 August each year, World Humanitarian Day is set to honour relief workers around the world. In Beirut, Lebanon, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has organised a…

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Psychosocial Support: just as important as Food and Safety

‘Psychosocial relief aid in the world’s trouble spots should be paid more attention to’, says Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in an interview on Dutch television. ‘Psychosocial support during crises is…

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The extra mile for a second chance

18-year-old Navoi is a beautiful girl from Tanzania, with an enormous amount of life experience. Dorcas first crossed paths with her some ten years ago. Thanks to her sponsor from the Netherlands, she was able…

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Salvation in War

Fleeing Syria’s brutal civil war, over one million people have sought safety in Lebanon – where refugees now represent a quarter of the population. Dorcas is working to empower women and girls – who seek…

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Harnessing new technology

In Lebanon, recent developments in government policy – in response to the mass influx of displaced persons – have pushed over 750,000 Syrian refugees onto the wrong side of the law. No way outMigrants carrying…

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”Water changed our village”

In Kenya, slums and remote villages often go without the water they need. With a population of 46 million, 41% still rely on contaminated water sources while 59% use unimproved sanitation solutions. Even ‘safe’ water…

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Regaining Hope

Thirty years ago, Zoje and Skender were happily married in the town of Dojan in Tropojë, Albania. At that time, the country was in the grips of a brutal communist regime. Despite a crumbling economy,…

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People Power

According to the UN’s Human Development Index (HDI), Moldova is one of Europe’s poorest countries. In rural areas – that rely heavily on agriculture – communities are struck by poverty and hardship. In 2018, together…

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Cyclone relief aid in Mozambique

Two weeks ago, cyclone Idai raged across Mozambique. The chaos is indescribable and the situation it far from over. Many have been hungry for weeks. People are literally fighting for bread and there is a…

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Village Community Banking

Putting money aside to invest in a better life is common practice for many people in countries like the Netherlands. Yet in third world regions – where the average family struggles to put food on…

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Cooking for a stronger planet

Woodfuel is the most common form of energy used for cooking and heating households in Tanzania. In poor, rural communities, women rely heavily on traditional stoves – associated with a host of diseases. And while…

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Wearing your period with pride

Have you ever been away during the heaviest day of your period, without tampons or sanitary towels? I’ve been there – peeking in toilets, searching for a convenience store… But, after my trip to Tanzania,…

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