Iraq: The desert will blossom: empowering communities to adapt to climate change
Iraq is recovering from decades of war and political instability and faces significant security, governance and development challenges. For example, Iraq has more than one million internally displaced persons (IDPs). Most of them live in private accommodation, but about 100,000 of them remain in overcrowded and under-resourced IDP camps in the Kurdistan region. And IDPs who manage to return home face numerous challenges as they rebuild their lives.
This challenging situation is compounded by a silently ticking bomb. UN figures reveal that Iraq is one of the five countries most severely impacted by climate change. Temperatures in Iraq are rising seven times faster than the global average, and by 2050, there could be 300 days of sandstorms per year. Around 70 per cent of Iraq’s agricultural land is facing significant damage due to climate-related factors and approximately 92 per cent of Iraqi land is at risk of desertification. These alarming figures could trigger a new wave of IDPs as people leave desertified land.
Therefore, Dorcas Iraq focuses on empowering communities to adapt to the consequences of climate change, such as drought and desertification, extreme heat and water scarcity. Then, they can build a resilient future with a healthy environment, food security and employment opportunities.
Iraq has a population of 46.5 million people
Around 11 million people are living below the poverty line
Our Reach
In 2023 22,447 people participated in our programmes
What we do in Iraq
Dorcas works in remote regions of Iraq, supporting local communities as they adapt to the consequences of climate change. Our projects focus on climate-smart agriculture, raising awareness, and promoting sustainable soil and water management. We ensure equal participation of community members, including people in vulnerable situations, as this fosters social cohesion, rebuilds trust, and enables people to heal from psychosocial hurts and embrace the future with confidence.
Climate-smart agriculture
We distribute fruit tree seedlings and the innovative irrigation device Waterboxx to farmers in arid and drought-prone areas. Waterboxx improves the survival of newly planted trees by providing them with a consistent water supply. The trees provide shade, counteract soil erosion, mitigate the effects of sandstorms, and the farmers can sell the fruit they produce.
Awareness campaigns
We run awareness campaigns that address the need for environmental education within communities. We reach people of all ages and backgrounds through visits to schools, homes and public spaces. Our focus is on the risks posed by climate change and other environmental challenges, and the link between environmental health and human well-being. This approach empowers individuals to make informed choices for a more sustainable future.
Climate adaptation training
We build the capacity of farmers and government staff to adapt to the impact of climate change on agriculture. Through specialised training sessions, participants are equipped with knowledge and skills to enhance their resilience to changing weather patterns, unpredictable rainfall, droughts, and the shifting dynamics of pests and diseases.
Iraq’s urgent need for climate-smart agriculture: how the Waterboxx makes a difference
In Iraq, the challenges posed by climate change are enormous, with temperatures rising seven times faster than the global average. Over the next decade, Iraq is expected to experience significant increases in flooding, drought and desertification. These conditions severely affect livelihoods, undermine household economic resilience and contribute to increased poverty.
- By 2035, Iraq is expected to face a severe water deficit of around ten billion cubic metres, which will profoundly impact the country’s agriculture and livelihoods.
- Iraq’s water shortage will lead to drought and soil salinisation, resulting in the loss of 25,000 hectares of agricultural land each year.
- 70 per cent of Iraq’s agricultural land is already at risk of total degradation from climate change.
These challenges can only be addressed by implementing climate-smart agricultural approaches that enhance climate resilience and strengthen communities. Waterboxx is a technology that can contribute to this effort.
WASH Nadia's Initiative - The Pursuit of Justice
"Our houses, our families, our traditions, our people, our dreams - they were all destroyed." Nadia Murad
When the Islamic State (IS) attacked her homeland in Sinjar in 2014, Nadia Murad's life turned upside down. They had come to ethnically cleanse Iraq of all Yazidis. The systematic campaign that ensued, marked by mass killings and forced sexual slavery, put this ancient community at the centre of international attention. Thousands of men and older women including Nadia's mother and six brothers were executed - on the same land where they had lived peacefully for centuries.
Since Nadia's escape from captivity, she has made it her mission to raise awareness of IS and its genocidal campaign against the Yazidi people. Today, a Noble Peace Prize Laureate and the UN's first ever Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Victims of Human Trafficking, Nadia has become a powerful advocate for women in war and survivors of sexual violence.
Meet our Country Director...
Wisam Obayes - Country Director Iraq
'After 20 years of travelling through the Middle East, I returned home. It was time to support my people directly. I’m really pleased about Dorcas Iraq’s focus on climate adaptation and resilience. Because we need to look ahead and ensure that today’s youth have a future. Adapting to the consequences of climate change is a challenge they can rise to. And not just them but everyone in their community, including the religious leaders. Our projects emphasise equal participation and community consent. This boosts social cohesion and facilitates the healing of hidden wounds from our country’s past so that people can embrace the future and flourish.'
News and projects
Our partners
Programme Partners
- Harikar
Strategic Partners and Donors
- World VIsion
- Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Terre des Hommes
- Dutch Relief Alliance
- Nadia's Initiative
- PerspActive Iraq
- Misereor
Contact Dorcas Iraq
Mamstreet 59
Botan Residential Area
Dohuk, KR-I, Iraq