Annual report 2023: Building bridges

With gratitude, Dorcas looks back on the past years in its annual reports. Each annual report is published in May or June and provides comprehensive and transparent information about our activities, results and impact.

Our world is in turmoil: 2023 saw a marked increase in crises and people in need. Dorcas rose to this challenge and focussed on building bridges that brought hope and perspective to people and places off the beaten track. Through the power of  partnership, we bridged gaps in equality and opportunity so that individuals could connect and participate and their communities flourish. We are also grateful that Dorcas could serve as the bridge between our stakeholders and supporters and those in need. That bridge enabled us to respond immediately when Syria was hit by earthquakes, continue our support in Ukraine, and stand up for those whose needs are less visible, such as farmers in Tanzania and Mozambique.


Reached impact

Throughout 2023, we worked hard on the foundations needed to support strong bridges. For example, Dorcas was independently verified against the Core Humanitarian Standard for our humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates. We further integrated corporate social responsibility into our operations to decrease our environmental and climate impact. Key strategic partnerships were continued, such as our partnership with Woord en Daad to create jobs for youth in Ethiopia. We expanded our advocacy efforts with a human rights campaign to raise awareness for just societies in which everyone can participate and flourish. And our goal of enabling civil society organisations to realise more innovative solutions to environmental, digitalisation and gender equality challenges was boosted by an EU grant.

Bridges towards a more hopeful future highlighted in our Annual Report 2023 are:

  • Ukraine – frontline resilience boosted through cash, mental health and psychosocial support.
  • Albania and Moldova – community development projects enable marginalised individuals to flourish.
  • Lebanon – protection and resilience of displaced persons and their host communities increased.
  • Syria – markets and livelihoods restored in Aleppo.
  • Yemen – humanitarian assistance provided through the Dutch Relief Alliance.
  • Iraq – water supplies restored and hygiene improved.

    Download the annual report

    Do you have a question about our Annual Report 2023 or a response to it? We would like to hear it. Send us a message via the contact page.

    Our impact

    LTO 1
    Households with higher income.
    LTO 2
    Households with higher food security.
    LTO 2
    Communities with higher climate resilience.
    LTO 3
    People with higher empowerment score.
    LTO 4
    Households with higher access to basic services
    LTO 5
    People supported by community.
    LTO 6
    People who feel more secure.
    LTO 7
    Advocacy messages taken into account.


    Warialanga from Tanzania shares how clean cooking improved her health and empowered her in her day-to-day life.

    “I had never imagined that I would one day just turn on the stove and make a meal in the comfort of my living room.”


    In 2023, earthquakes and strong aftershocks caused great devastation in Syria and Turkey. One of the people Dorcas Syria has supported through the food security services is Zainab.

    “The burden has been lifted from my shoulders.”


    As part of the human rights campaign, Nadiia raised awareness on the loss of security when the conflict started in 2022. Therefore, whe stands up for the right to social security.

    “By taking part in various activities, older people forget about the fear and danger, and they feel heard and valued! We all hope that the conflict will end and that we will feel safe in our homeland.”


    Gilberte participates in a project of Dorcas Lebanon. The situation in Lebanon is very insecure and many people are in need of support.

    “Dorcas support has restored my dignity and self-worth because I no longer struggle to meet my basic food needs.”


    Cor is a former Programme Manager and Country Director at Dorcas and experienced first hand the challanges people in South Sudan are facing. Not only conflict, but also limate change has worsened the problems of the country.

    “I stand up for people affected by the consequences of climate change.”


    Minsa s a project participant of Dorcas partner Loyac in Yemen. Together with her husband, She fled due to the conflict and experienced a lot of stress and trauma and had no means to support themselves.

    “Dorcas gave us the psychosocial support we needed and through an empowerment programme, we could set up a business and support ourselves as a family.” *Pseudonym


    Joana is part of the Participatory Integrated Planning (PIP) approach within Dorcas. This approach supports farmers and their families in visualising and achieving their long-term goals.

    “I am no longer where I was, but can move towards the future.”