Kickoff Meeting of the Ukrainian Joint Response IV Phase Out
In 2018, Ukraine Joint Response IV members were active in the sectors Protection, Non-Food Items, Food Security and Livelihoods, and Multi Purpose Cash (MPC). After the Ukraine Joint Response IV has been successfully implemented in 2018, in January 2019 the consortium members Dorcas, Terre des hommes and SOS Children’s Villages gathered together in Kiev to kick off the phase out of the Ukrainian Joint Response IV. The phase out activities focus on the most vulnerable of beneficiaries in Eastern Ukraine from the Ukraine Joint Response IV, as well as local partners, community groups and other stakeholders that have been involved in the Ukraine Joint Responses. Vulnerable beneficiaries that are specifically targeted are IDPs, children, youth, foster families, female headed households, elderly, persons with a disability, trauma or chronic disease, people without access to social benefits and food insecure people of working age without any income.
The aim is to responsibly close down activities of the Joint Response IV and where possible refer beneficiaries to other service providers to continue support after the phase out. Local partners, staff, schools, local authorities and other existing Joint Response stakeholders will also be supported, for instance with additional capacity building, job mediation and linking to each other in order to sustain and further strengthen local response capacity.
Consortium members work towards enabling a responsible phase out of the Ukraine Joint Response IV ensuring that the achieved results and collaborative impact are sustained and responsibilities are transferred to local actors as much as possible.
All members have committed themselves to look for opportunities to continue the consortium cooperation beyond the phase out phase.
29 January 2019