Dorcas new way of working

Over the last 2 years, Dorcas developed its ‘Philosophy of Change’, in which change needs to happen at 3 different levels: Individual, Community and Society. Four intervention areas (IA’s) were identified, which contribute in different and complementary ways to ‘flourishing people and communities’: Relief, Early Recovery and Resilient Livelihoods, Enterprising People and Communities, and Community based Care & Protection. Theories of Change both at IA-level as well at country/regional level (based on Country Strategic Plans) are developed.

Even though Dorcas will continue to work in different thematic areas, the organization also wishes to increase its focus and to develop specific expertise in a number of particular approaches, for which it wants to be known and recognized. These approaches will build on Dorcas’ current track record and expertise, but also take into account the future direction of the organization, as defined in the Philosophy and Theory of Change.

Based on the Country Strategic Plans, feedback in and after the Spring Meeting 2017 and discussions with program staff, the following approaches and cross cutting themes have emerged:

1. Specific approaches (called specific as they are linked to an Intervention Area):
a. Cash and Protection (Relief);
b. Food Security and Livelihoods, and WASH (Early Recovery and Resilient Livelihoods);
c. Employability, Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Market Development (Enterprising People and Communities);
d. Community Safety Nets and Future for children (Community Based Care & Protection).
2. Generic approaches (called generic as they apply to each intervention area though different in every context):
a. Assets Based Community Development and Organization;
b. Empowerment and Life Skills development;
c. Multi-stakeholder partnerships;
d. Advocacy.
3. Cross cutting themes (called cross cutting as they will be woven into each program and approach):
a. Social inclusion;
b. Gender;
c. Environmental change;
d. Peace building and Reconciliation;
e. Faith@Work.

These and other topics were discussed by senior staff of Dorcas Ukraine and HQ representatives on September 12-15 2017 in Transcarpathia. Each approach and theme (purpose, features of implementation, methods/tools, links to long term outcomes) with the aim to come up with a clear and coherent set of Dorcas approaches will be characteristics of new Dorcas programs and projects.


15 September 2017