Twelve million for relief in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan
The Syria Joint Response, which Dorcas is part of, along with eleven other organisations, receives twelve million euros from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The organisations offer relief to approximately 570,000 victims of the conflict in Syria. The work is being done in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
The aid that is currently provided is the next step of a relief process that has already begun in and around Syria. The unique cooperation allows the organisation to better support those who have had to leave everything behind because of the war. Humanitarian relief in the region is essential for the lives of many. It meets the basic needs of people and offers them hope for the future.
Lifesaving activities that are provided are focused on protection, shelter, food, health, drinking water, hygiene and education.
On behalf of the Dutch Relief Alliance, ZOA is in the lead for this cooperation and other participating organisations are: CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Dorcas, ICCO / Kerk in Actie, Oxfam Novib, Save the Children, Stichting Vluchteling, Tear, Terre des Hommes, War Child and World Vision.
22 March 2016
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