Pride project
‘Pride!’ Empowered women, including persons with disabilities, contribute to inclusive development of their communities in and around Wau and Gogrial West Counties in South Sudan. We are grateful that the ‘Pride!’ project is co-funded by the European Union. A huge boost!
Good news! After hours of preparation the ‘Pride!’ project has started. It is implemented by a consortium consisting of Stichting Red een Kind, Light for the World and Dorcas (lead), and supported by the European Union.
We are very motivated to empower women, with special attention for those living with disabilities. In the coming years, we will be joining forces for women who, sparkling for life and full of self-worth, participate in all aspects of daily life and contribute to the development of flourishing communities.
In the next 30 months, Pride! aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Creation of an enabling environment that supports participation of women, including women with disabilities, in community activities, local, political decision-making processes and economic activities.
- Enhanced participation of marginalized women, including women with disabilities, in community activities and local political decision-making processes.
- Increased contribution of women, including women with disabilities, to household income.
We will continue to inform you about the progress of this exciting project. Pray with us, thanks!

This project is co-funded by the European Union.
This publication was produced by Dorcas with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Dorcas and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
09 March 2021