The land of milk and honey
In Kenya – as in many other African countries – many people live off their own agriculture. Unfortunately, due to climate change, weather conditions are much less predictable and there are long periods of drought, resulting in crop failures. It is therefore important that farmers learn to grow new products.
High-quality products
Our local colleague in Kenya explains: ‘Through our value chain programme, we teach Kenyans to grow products that are much less affected by drought, such as hay, milk, honey and mung beans. These products are in high demand, while supply is low. So, this also means that the products are more profitable.
Dorcas supports people from the community living in vulnerable circumstances to carry out the production process so that they can earn a good income and provide for their families. A good example is 80-year-old beekeeper Paul. He worked for the Kenyan railways for 33 years. When he retired, his income dropped, leading to poverty. Paul: ‘My family consists of nine children and to be honest, I have lost count of exactly how many (great) grandchildren I have. What I do know is that we are not very well off and that I could really use some extra income.’
Paul decides to start keeping bees the traditional way. That is, by hanging hollow logs in the top of a tree. Not exactly safe work for an older gentleman to have to climb so high in a tree. Not only because of the climbing itself, but also because he works without a professional beekeeper’s suit and thus gets stung regularly. Despite all his efforts and the dangers, the honey profits are slim.
Via a mutual acquaintance, Paul hears about a Dorcas programme, where beekeepers learn to produce premium quality honey. He attends the training courses and also receives professional equipment including a beekeeper’s suit and hives. ‘The price I get for my honey is now many times better. I have only 5 hives, but I am already earning 3 times as much for the same quantity. Also, the work is safer and longer lasting for someone my age. I am very happy and grateful!
22 March 2024