Humanitarian aid for displaced in Ukraine

Photo taken by Hedinn Halldorsson/Save the ChildrenPress release

Andijk, Netherlands, January 12,2016. In December 2015, the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), started providing humanitarian aid to displaced people in Ukraine. Over five million people have been directly affected by the conflict and approximately one and a half million people are displaced. The Ukraine Joint Response aims to support at least 25,400 people with winterisation, food and medical care.

On behalf of the Dutch Relief Alliance, Dorcas is leading a joint response that will provide humanitarian aid for 25,400 internally displaced people in the Ukraine. The other organisations participating in the join response are: Save the Children, Terre des Hommes and Cordaid. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made €3 million available to support the people affected by the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. The aid has been aligned with the Ukrainian government, the United Nations and other organisations. Ruben Mulder, Head of Disaster Response for Dorcas states: ‘The Dutch humanitarian aid is focused on three areas. Our top priority is to make sure people get through the cold winter and have access to enough food. Besides that there is a lack of medical services for displaced people, so we will also focus on improving access to medical care for chronically ill and sick people. In all response activities, protection of the people affected by the conflict is mainstreamed.

The Dutch Relief Alliance will provide access to shelter and materials such as blankets, clothing and heaters, to enable the displaced to get through the cold winter. On top of that, affected people will receive much needed food. Chronically ill will receive medication and together with local doctors, psychosocial help and medical check-ups are being provided. The aid is focused on the most vulnerable groups in Eastern Ukraine, which are: children, single parent families, people with a disability, the chronically ill, minorities and the elderly.


About the DRA

The Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) quickly and effectively helps victims of international crises. The Alliance is a cooperation between thirteen Dutch NGO’s, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In Ukraine, Dorcas, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes and Cordaid are implementing the relief efforts.

The Dutch Relief Alliance consists of the following organisations: CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Dorcas, ICCO and Kerk in Actie, Oxfam Novib, Plan Nederland, Save the Children, Tear, Terre des Hommes, Stichting Vluchteling, War Child, World Vision and ZOA.

Note for the editors, not for publication:

If you have questions, contact Ruben Mulder (Dorcas Head of Disaster Response) by calling 0228 595900 of

Photo taken by Hedinn Halldorsson/Save the Children

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12 January 2016

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