‘This work lets me express who I am’

Haifa holds a degree in business administration. She lives in Aden with her husband and has two children. She is the founder of our partner organisation LOYAC.

Back in 2011, she briefly worked on a project with another international NGO, which she really enjoyed. She then went into banking, but that was not where her heart lay. That was the moment she realised humanitarian work was her vocation and established LOYAC. This NGO has helped hundreds of people, but one story, in particular, sticks in her mind.

Abdullah’s story

‘A few years ago we visited an orphanage in Shaab. There I met Abdullah, a young boy who had already experienced so many intense things in life. His parents had divorced and when his mother remarried he went to live with his father, a soldier. Unfortunately, his father died one day during a fight and Abdullah ended up in the orphanage.

Due to all these traumatic events, Abdullah suffered from a psychological disorder. He was also very sad about losing his father. I was very touched by Abdullah’s story and offered him psychological counselling. Unfortunately, Abdullah was very self-absorbed and, at first, he only wanted to draw during the sessions. He drew the same thing every time: a soldier in a field and a man on the ground riddled with bullets. This is how Abdullah expressed his grief at losing his father.

However, Abdullah has gradually learned to talk about things. His grades have also improved and he is increasingly excited about life. When he grows up, he wants to become a pilot!’

Future dreams

Haifa is convinced that Yemen has a brighter future. ‘Peace will prevail and Yemen will once again become a happy country. We wish it, strive for it and dream it. We all hope that our wish will come true.’

03 June 2024

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