Dorcas Moldova commits to another successful Blue Bucket Campaign
For the third time in a row Dorcas Moldova organised a food collection campaign. In a time where a lot of Moldovan struggle with high prices and a worsening health and economic situation, Dorcas Moldova still distributed more than 3,000 buckets full of food. Many people in Moldova are suffering and living under difficult circumstances, especially those without financial stability, who are suffering from an illness or simply have no ways to provide for their basic needs.
Dorcas Moldova organised food collections, in blue buckets, and offered these buckets to marginalised people, such as older persons and families living in difficult circumstances. In the context of the situation created by the pandemic, which led to isolation, fear, stress and concern about what’s coming, Dorcas Moldova continued to support people who struggle with difficulties every day, helping them look to the future with hope. A total of 3,278 families received a bucket full of food products during the Blue Bucket Campaign 2021 edition. This is the third year in a row that Dorcas Moldova is organising the Blue Bucket Campaign. In the first two editions of the campaign, more than 3,000 buckets full of food arrived in the homes of families facing difficulties or at risk.

The campaign team is deeply moved by the generosity of the people, and the results far exceeded expectations. For the 2021 edition, they wanted to support 1,500 families in need. The actual number of buckets that needed to be filled with food reached 3,278. But the “Blue Bucket” means more than just a bucket of food. It’s a way to show love and empathy for their neighbour through concrete deeds, to meet the needs of those in difficult circumstances. The Blue Bucket Campaign is a joint contribution to bring the joy of the winter holidays to the families of those who fight for existence every day.
On this occasion, Dorcas Moldova would like to thank everyone who contributed to these wonderful results: the local partners and churches, the team of teachers, students and parents from the private institutions and high schools, and the diaspora. Additionally, people donated money which resulted in 60 buckets of food for families with limited possibilities of existence.
Dorcas Moldova also received great support from our International Office in the Netherlands. Through our shared vision, we exchange knowledge and other resources. Together, we speak out against injustice. This is how we amplify our impact.
07 February 2022
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