Faith@Work, inclusion, conflict sensitivity and climate resilience are cornerstones of a flourishing community and demand for mainstreaming in all programme concepts. Dorcas will work more on an unilateral understanding of these mainstreaming themes and how to integrate these in all context-specific theories of change and subsequent programmes. Dorcas wishes mainstreaming themes to be applied in every programme.
Faith@Work: Faith in Jesus Christ, forms the basis of Dorcas’ Philosophy of Change, Theory of Change and Way of Working. Faith@Work as mainstreaming theme enables Dorcas to view the structural causes of poverty and exclusion holistically. Faith@Work enables Dorcas to translate a holistic world view towards change at the individual, community and society levels addressing spiritual, social, economic, environmental dimensions of life.
Inclusion: Inclusion is about removing structural barriers causing inequity, improving access to services for all, seeing all people and recognising their differences and supporting them to engage in wider processes to ensure that their rights and needs are recognised. We include gender equality in the broader inclusion theme. We realise that despite much advancement, gender inequality still persists around the world and is deeply rooted in cultural values, norms and practices. For Dorcas, gender equality means that all human beings, both male and female, are free to develop their
personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality implies that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally.
Conflict sensitivity: In the triple nexus, this theme is closely linked to the peacebuilding dimension. Within the triple nexus and the theme peacebuilding and reconciliation, Dorcas’ position and role is focusing on conflict sensitivity. Dorcas recognises that in an increasing number of contexts, it is essential to intentionally work in a conflict-sensitive manner and to work on preconditions for peace. Dorcas will need to work with other actors that contribute specialist expertise on peacebuilding and conflict resolution, for example. Dorcas will act as an enabler for peace mainly at the community level, with a focus on social cohesion building and conflict-sensitive programming.
Climate resilience is about adjusting to climate change, countering environmental degradation and minimising risk from disasters. The theme ensures that the wider environmental and physical context of interventions is taken into account and even improved as part of good stewardship. We recognise that the impact of climate change is often felt first and most acutely by those who suffer from extreme poverty. Dorcas will focus on climate change adaptation. This implies that we will work with communities to prepare for and negate the effects of climate change, thereby reducing the vulnerability of communities and their ecosystems. By adapting to cope with the effects of climate change, communities, enterprises and institutions can build up their climate-change resilience. We are committed to ensuring that our programmes minimise the immediate and long-term risks of climate change to those communities we serve. Investments into improved energy efficiency, the enhanced use of renewable energy, water saving and protection measures, and improved waste management are necessary measures to protect their environment and climate.