Blue Bucket Campaign in Ukraine

The Blue Bucket Campaign is aimed at mobilising communities to collect food for (older) people who live in difficult socio-economic circumstances. However, this campaign is not just about collecting and distributing food; it is also about providing personal attention, restoring dignity and hope, and raising awareness in the community. The conflict in Ukraine has hit the lives of all Ukrainian citizens, and the number of people in need of assistance has increased significantly. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling to make ends meet. Join the campaign, make a donation and help to bring a bucket of good will, kindness and care to them. Let’s put a smile on their faces in these difficult days.

‘Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.’ – Proverbs 19:17


were distributed in 2023 in Transcarpathia and Eastern Ukraine.

were involved in 2023.

in Transcarpathia and Eastern Ukraine were reached, and buckets were distributed there.

What's in a Blue Bucket?

  • Sunflower oil – one liter
  • Sugar – one kilo
  • Rice – one kilo
  • Buckwheat – one kilo
  • Flour – one kilo
  • Noodles – one package
  • Coffee – one package
  • Pasta – one kilo
  • Other: canned food, sweets (biscuits, chocolate), instant soups


At first, mainly churches were involved with the campaign. Nowadays, different actors are taking part, such as: churches, volunteers, schools, kindergartens, local government workers, private sector actors and NGOs.


The gradually increasing donor support over the years is not only the result of their kindness, but we believe it is also the fruit and result of the biblical preaching and teaching in the communities throughout the campaign. During the campaign, we educate on the biblical values of generosity and giving and those in need receive attention in an increasing number of settlements. This helps to build the local community safety nets.

Contact Dorcas Ukraine

Address country office
Tserkovna street 5
Surte 89432
Ukraine, Transcarpathia

Address regional office
69104, Ukraine
PO Box 1049

Phone numer
0 800 351 369

Email address